Neil Ehmig '16,BSN和Tamara Bland,代理多米尼加的Macneil护理学院执行主任




塔玛拉平淡,麦克尼尔护理学院的代理执行主任和在“主动公民转型的教育网络”计划中,加入了Neil Ehmig '16,BSN,在橡树草坪倡导基督医疗中心的创伤护士,Nancy Rivera'13,世卫组织赢得了营养和饮食学位,是芝加哥南侧的WIC(女性,婴儿和儿童)的课程经理。

Bland, a former home health care nurse on Chicago’s west side who has done extensive research on health care disparities, provided some insight as to why communities of color are disproportionately impacted by COVID-19, explaining that “race is not the determinant of health care inequities—racism is the cause.” Adding COVID-19 to Black and Brown communities, already vulnerable due to high rates of heart disease, stroke and diabetes, as well as the negative effects of gun violence and police brutality, has caused mortality rates to skyrocket. “We have to get to the root of racism in order to have a positive effect in our Black and Brown communities. We have to improve the health of the community itself. When you look at zip codes from downtown to the west side, it shaves 10 to 15 years off a person’s life. That is heartbreaking. Now is the time to work harder to level the playing field.”

